BDA (Federal Chamber of German Architects) want to make its network available to the Ukrainian Association of Architects.

This is coordinated by the Federal Chamber of Architects and the 16 chambers of architects in the federal states. Please feel free to send us or your state chamber an email to [email protected]

BDA stands with Ukraine

Work for Architects from BDA network

#stand with Ukraine - Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.

competitionline - one of the leading architecture platforms in Germany - publishes jobs for Architects from Ukraine on a daily basis

Der Jobmarkt für ★ Architekten ★ Landschaftsarchitekten ★ Stadtplaner ★ Ingenieure

Der Jobmarkt für ★ Architekten ★ Landschaftsarchitekten ★ Stadtplaner ★ Ingenieure

Job offers for ukrainian architects who have just come to Germany

On the german blog architektur­ architecture and engineering firms from Germany can offer English-language job offers suitable for architects from Ukraine. This service is free for employers and job seekers.

Jobs for Architects from Ukraine in Germany

Information about support from AKBW

Ukraine-Informationen: AKBW Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg

Raumfeld architekten шукають українських архітекторів до команди в Дрездені